Dawes and Xue receive NSF Career Awards

February 26, 2016

Dawes and Xue receive NSF Career Awards

photo of Adriana Dawes and Chuan Xue

Two faculty members in the OSU Department of Mathematics are 2016 recipients of NSF Career Awards. Please join us in congratulating Adriana Dawes and Chuan Xue!

Adriana Dawes (pictured left, joint appointment with Molecular Genetics)

Title of Proposal: Multiscale investigation of cortical actin organization and dynamics

Summary: The protein actin is required for critical cell processes like wound healing and division, and interacts across multiple time and space scales to give rise to cell-level functional structures. In this project, we will use stochastic and continuum mathematical models to investigate the dynamics and organization of actin structures, rigorously exploring the link between microscale processes and emergent macroscale patterns, and yielding key insights into the role of actin in normal and misregulated cells.

Chuan Xue (pictured right)

Title of Proposal: Multiscale modeling of axonal cytoskeleton dynamics and axonal transport

Summary: This project is to develop new multiscale models and methods to help understand the dynamic behavior of the intracellular polymer system in neurons and potential causes of intracellular traffic jams. The mathematical methods include stochastic differential equations, partial differential equations, and asymptotic and numerical methods. The mathematical models will be used to investigate testable hypotheses, guide new experiments and will advance our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases. This project will also provide excellent research opportunities for graduate students in applied mathematics and mathematical biology.