Delgado receives Outreach and Engagement Grant

July 6, 2022

Delgado receives Outreach and Engagement Grant

Monica Delgado

Our associate director of outreach, Monica Delgado, was selected by the Office of Outreach and Engagement as a recipient of a Spring 2022 Grant. Monica received a grant in the category of Professional Development, which provides awardees the opportunity to further their career growth and development. Monica was among 5 recipients in this category after a competitive selection process. Each winner was awarded a $500 grant. 

Monica Delgado completed a graduate degree at the University of British Columbia where she worked on mathematics of cell biology. Before that, she finished her undergraduate degree in mathematics at Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico. Monica joined our department in 2019 as associate director of outreach. She has a leading role in our outreach group BAMM and has been highly active in organizing summer programs for K-12 students. Monica is particularly interested in Math Education, through the Ohio Math Initiative for example, as well as in the popularization of Mathematics.

In addition to the Professional Development category, the Office of Outreach and Engagement awards grants in the category of Community Programs and Events, which had 5 recipients as well. For a complete list of this year's grant winners, see here.