Dhir Patel wins Graduate Associate Teaching Award (GATA)

Congratulations to Dhir Patel who received a 2021 Graduate Associate Teaching Award (GATA) from the university's Graduate School.
GATA is OSU’s most competitive award to recognize teaching excellence by graduate students serving as Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs). Approximately 3,000 graduate students serve as GTAs each year. Ten recipients are selected for a GATA annually and each winner is awarded $1,500. To learn more about GATA, see here.
Recipients of the 2021 GATA and Presidential Fellowships will be honored by President Johnson and Provost McPheron in a ceremony on Friday, April 23, 2021, at 3:30pm via Zoom. Dean Bertone will also be presenting about these accomplishments to guests during the ceremony.
Dhir won the Graduate Student Award for Teaching Excellence from the College of Arts and Sciences last year, and he won a departmental teaching award before that. He received his bachelor's degree from Rutgers University and joined our doctoral program in 2015. Dhir is currently working with Dr. Ghaith Hiary as his advisor.