Diana Devol Bevilacqua wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award

April 18, 2014

Diana Devol Bevilacqua wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award

Diana Devol Bevilacqua

We are delighted to announce that Diana Devol Bevilacqua is one of this year's winners of the Arts and Sciences Outstanding Staff Award.

As a member of the Mathematics Advising group for many years, Diana has been an important resource for the mathematics faculty and staff, for our growing number of math and actuarial science majors, and for the thousands of students who take mathematics courses at OSU. In addition, she is involved in the evaluation of math transfer credit, which has become a larger part of the the Advising Office's duties with the continuing increase in international transfers, and she serves as the representative of the Advising Office on the Undergraduate Committee.

Congratulations to Diana,  and thanks for her outstanding service to the department.