Joan Leitzel awarded OCTM 2015 Bert Waits Award

October 16, 2015

Joan Leitzel awarded OCTM 2015 Bert Waits Award

photo of Joan Leitzel

OSU professor of mathematics emeritus Joan Leitzel is the recipient of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2015 Bert Waits Award for positively influencing mathematics education in the state of Ohio and/or the nation. Named in honor of another emeritus faculty member of The Ohio State University, Bert Waits, 2015 is only the second year this award has been granted. 

Joan Leitzel served as an active faculty member of the OSU Department of Mathematics from 1965-1990, after which she moved on to be a division director at  the NSF, served as the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, and was appointed in 1996 as the 18th president of the University of New Hampshire, where she remained until her retirement in 2002.  Leitzel returned to OSU in 2008-09 to serve as Interim Executive Dean of Arts and Sciences and Vice Provost and to lead the restructuring of the College of Arts and Sciences. In 2014 she received the MAA’s Gung and Hu Award for Distinguished Service to Mathematics.