Kacey Aurum Wins Graduate Student Award for Distinguished Service

Congratulations to Kacey Aurum who has won the 2022-23 Graduate Student Award for Distinguished Service by the College of Arts and Sciences.
This year there were 60 nominations through a highly competitive review process. Individuals that supported Kacey's nomination highlighted her contributions and spoke highly of her character and motivation. Recipients receive a $1,000 scholarship, a plaque, and are honored by the university leadership in the upcoming annual College of Arts & Sciences award ceremony.
Kacey joined our doctoral program in 2020 after earning her bachelor's degree from Arizona State University. Her research interests are in algebraic geometry, specifically moduli problems, mirror symmetry, and blow-ups of Fano varieties. She is currently working on a project with a research group which formed at AGNES 2022 with previous work in (elementary and algebraic) topology and computational biophysics. She is advised by Hsian-Hua Tseng.