OSU awarded 2 million dollar grant for Ximera Development

May 1, 2024

OSU awarded 2 million dollar grant for Ximera Development

James Fowler and Bart Snapp

PI Associate Professor of Teaching-Practice Bart Snapp along with collaborators Jim Fowler and A. Borland, P. Fatheddin, B. Findell, C. Johns, E. Miller, J. Miller, B. Ramsey, J. Sheldon, J. Talamo, M. Tychonievich, have been awarded a $2,125,000 million dollar grant (with no other external funding) for the development of the Ximera platform and its associated content. Moreover, this grant supports an international consortium of Ximera users at around a dozen institutions.

 This grant, Fortifying Open Education: Scaling Ximera for Enduring Impact, is part of the U.S. Department of Education's Open Textbooks Pilot Program. This program prioritizes sustained student savings though open education resources. A this point we are aiming to support Ximera development internationally at around a dozen institutions who are all currently using the Ximera platform.

 Snapp and Fowler have been developing the Ximera platform since 2010. Notably, after Fowler's development of MOOCulus (Massive Open Online Calculus) in 2012, they were awarded the NSF grant Interactive Textbook for $180,000 in 2013. The current grant runs from 2024-2026. If you are interested in any aspect of the Ximera Project, contact us at ximera@osu.edu and consider applying for a Ximera Flash Grant at:  https://go.osu.edu/ximera-flash-grant