OSU Marion Math Challenge Returns

The OSU math department at Marion just concluded the latest Marion Math Challenge after a 2-year interruption due to pandemic lockdowns. This decade-old competition for local high school students is run jointly with Marion Technical College (MTC). The founding OSU faculty of the competition are professors Brian McEnnis (emeritus) and John Maharry, together with faculty from MTC. This year, assistant professors Micah Chrisman and Scott Zimmerman at Marion helped organize the competition program.
Over a hundred high school students participated in the challenge this year, and trophies were awarded to the top three scorers from each of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade groups. Individual winners in each grade received scholarships from OSU Marion and MTC ranging from $1,000 to $500. In addition, medals were awarded for the top three performing teams among participating high schools.
The Marion regional campus plans to host a similar event for middle schools in the Marion area in the spring.