Professor Akos Seress, Nov 24, 1958 - Feb 13, 2013

It is with great personal and professional sadness that the Department of Mathematics announces the passing of Professor Akos Seress, much too soon, on Wednesday evening February 13, 2013. Professor Seress was a complete product of Ohio State having received his PhD here under Professor Dijen Ray-Chaudhuri and then remaining here to become a highly valued professor. He was a major contributor to the "GAP" computational algebra system and an invited speaker at the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians.
He will be deeply missed, not only by his colleagues at Ohio State, but also by the entire international community of group theorists and combinatorists.
Professor Seress' remaining research funds have been used to establish a development fund for the benefit of undergraduates in mathematics; this is the Akos Seress Mathematics Scholarship (Fund #482429). Those interested in contributing should contact Nena Bauman ( or Ben Kuflewski (