Ranthony Edmonds and John Johnson Awarded Service-Learning Grant from ASC

Congratulations to Ranthony A.C. Edmonds, Ross Assistant Professor and John H. Johnson Jr., Assistant Professor and Academic Program Specialist, for their award of a service-learning grant from the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Edmonds earned a PhD in 2018 from the University of Iowa and specializes in Factorization Theory and Commutative Ring Theory. She began her postdoctoral appointment here at OSU in 2018. Dr. Johnson earned a PhD from Howard University in 2011 and specializes in Topological Algebra and Ramsey Theory. He has been at OSU since 2012, and began his current appointment as Associated Faculty in 2017.
The winning proposal by Dr. Edmonds and Dr. Johnson is titled "Intersections of Mathematics and Society: Hidden Figures." This project-based course is inspired by the book Hidden Figures and will explore the role of mathematics as a tool for the advancement of society as well as study diversity and inclusion in mathematical communities. Students will be exposed to STEM careers via a research project where they will be paired with local ‘Hidden Figures’ at companies in the Greater Columbus Community and they will participate in service-learning by providing STEM programming for the Columbus Metropolitan Library.