The STEAM Factory: Interdisciplinary Post-Doctoral Research Program

March 20, 2019

The STEAM Factory: Interdisciplinary Post-Doctoral Research Program

The STEAM Factory

The STEAM Factory, in partnership with the Sustainability Institute (SI) at Ohio State, Ohio State Energy Partners (OSEP), and Honda Research, is excited to announce the inaugural STEAM Factory Interdisciplinary Post-Doctoral Research Program! Review of applications will begin on April 15th and will continue until positions are filled. Please share the program announcement with your professional networks to attract the best candidates.

Post-Doctoral Research Program:
We invite applications from early career scholars (≤ five years since PhD or appropriate terminal degree) for the inaugural Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Research program, starting Summer/Autumn 2019. The program offers a postdoctoral opportunity for scholars focused on one of the following two themes: (1) The Future of Mobility & Smart Cities, and (2) Sustainable Urban Systems. We invite applicants whose work focuses on ambitious endeavors, spans multiple disciplines, and connects with public engagement. Applicants should specify their thematic focus in their statement of interest and how they would benefit from working in an urban setting within a multidisciplinary group, rather than in a traditional academic department on campus.


  • Position will remain open until filled, with priority given to applications received by April 15, 2019
  • Initial appointment is for one year, with potential for 2nd year contingent on performance and funding
  • Annual salary: \$48,000-\$55,000 (or commensurate with experience)

For more details visit the STEAM Factory and the Post-doctoral Program.

Visit Sustainability Institute for additional information about the institute.

Please send application materials to Charlene Brenner. Please feel free to contact Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan if you have any questions.