Talamo and Yiamouyiannis win awards

James Talamo:
Dr. James (Jim) Talamo has won the 2021-2022 Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer.

From the award website: "The Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer annually recognizes a maximum of six lecturers, senior lecturers, or other associated faculty members for their teaching excellence. Students, faculty, staff and alumni may put forward nominees, and a committee of students, faculty and alumni will choose the recipients. Recipients are recognized with a $5,000 honorarium made possible by the Office of Academic Affairs."
Jim Talamo has been a member of the Department of Mathematics since Autumn 2007, at which time he started as a GTA. After Jim’s graduation, he remained on as lecturer and since Autumn 2018, as senior lecturer. Jim is one of the most highly regarded OSU instructors for calculus courses, specifically Math 1152 and Math 1172, as well as a leader in shaping these courses. Jim’s approach to his teaching is very relatable to students. He expects rigor from his students, setting high expectations for them, and he teaches with that in mind.
To see the full list of the Provost's Award winners, see here.
Athena Yiamouyiannis:
Dr. Athena Yiamouyiannis has won the 2021-2022 Melinda McDonald Advising Administrator Award.
Each year, one advising administrator from Ohio State is selected to receive the Melinda McDonald award which includes a monetary gift.

From the award website: "The Academic Advising Association of Ohio State (ACADAOS) and the Office of Academic Affairs of The Ohio State University annually sponsor a Melinda McDonald Advising Administrator Award for academic advising at Ohio State. This award serves to recognize and reward an exemplary academic advising administrator at The Ohio State University.
By highlighting examples of outstanding advising leadership, the awards help to demonstrate the efforts advising makes in providing excellent service and helping students achieve academic success. The recipient and nominees are outstanding role models for all advisors and advising administrators at the university."
Athena Yiamouyiannis has been a member of the math advising office since 2014 and has served as the supervising advisor for the past four years. Athena’s leadership in moving the advising office forward and making it an exemplar for student-facing services has been truly exceptional. Athena is a tireless advocate for students and math advisors and is a willing collaborator with her fellow math advisors and with the larger university community.
To see a list of winners of the Melinda McDonald Award, see here.