Tasos Sidiropoulos receives NSF CAREER award

Tasos Sidiropoulos has been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award for his proposal entitled "CAREER: Geometric frontiers in algorithm design."
A synopsis of his proposal: "The analysis of complex data sets is a task of increasing importance for science and engineering. Even though in many applications there is an abundance of raw inputs, extracting meaningful information can often be a major computational challenge. Over the recent years, geometric methods have become an indispensable tool towards this goal. The reason behind this development is the fact that a data set endowed with pairwise similarities can be naturally interpreted as a geometric space. Such data sets include DNA sequences, statistical distributions, collections of news articles, and so on. Under this interpretation, several important data analytic questions can be understood as geometric computational problems. The main algorithmic challenges in this context occur in high-dimensional, or more generally, complex metric spaces. This project aims at resolving some of the main problems inherent in the analysis of such geometric data sets, and thus enabling improved solutions for a variety of computational tasks. The project also seeks to use diverse mathematical tools in the setting of geometric data analysis, forging new connections between mathematics and computer science."
Congratulations Tasos!