Tyler Friesen, honors math student, receives 2014 Goldwater Scholarship

Congratulations to Tyler Friesen, a major in our Honors program who received a 2014 Goldwater Scholarship. This is a very prestigious scholarship which recognizes undergraduate research. Tyler was the only Goldwater Scholar in the College of Arts and Sciences this year!
"Tyler Friesen, a junior honors student in mathematics, has conducted research with Dr. Sergei Chmutov’s Knots and Graphs Working Group at Ohio State. Tyler’s work here on planarity conditions for X-graphs was submitted to the Journal of Graph Theory. His work caught the attention of a Russian mathematician, Dr. Vassily Olegovich Manturov, and together, they have published two additional papers in the Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. A recipient of the Gordon Memorial Fund and the Morris Math Endowment, Tyler was also the First Prize winner of the Gordon Competition in 2013. He plans to obtain a PhD in computer science and pursue a career at a research university both teaching and conducting research in computational complexity theory. “
For more information, please see honors-scholars.osu.edu.
Since the award's inception in 1986, Ohio State has produced 48 Goldwater Scholars. Almost a third of these (29%) have been Math majors and that nearly half of the OSU Math Goldwater Scholars are connected to Sergei’s Summer Working Group on Knots and Graphs.
Congratulations to Tyler Friesen and also to Prof. Sergei Chmutov (Mansfield Campus) who worked with Tyler and with several other winners of this award!