
Chelsea Aton receives the OSU Board of Trustees Student Recognition Award
The Department of Mathematics is very pleased to congratulate Chelsea Aton, an undergraduate actuarial major, for being honored with the Ohio State Board of Trustees Student Recognition award as a…

The STEAM Factory
The STEAM Factory is a collaborative space where members of the greater OSU community meet and showcase their work. Two departmental members, Roman Holowinsky and Jim Fowler, are Founding…

Our Coursera MOOC in Calculus debuts today (January 7, 2013)
The Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce that our Coursera MOOC in calculus is beginning today with approximately 23,000 registered students! The course is being run by Jim Fowler and…
Alex Lubotzky to be Zassenhaus Lecturer
Alex Lubotzky of the Einstein Institute of Mathematics has been invited as the Spring 2014 Zassenhaus Lecturer. He will present his lectures on High Dimensional Expanders on January 27, at 4:30 in…