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The Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce that Herb Clemens, Jim Fowler and Bart Snapp have been awarded a TUES-Type 1 Project NSF grant for developing open-source tools for converting…

Ching-Shan Chou, assistant professor, mathematics, recently received the National Science Foundation’s NSF CAREER Award for her work in the area of mathematical biology. This is the top award NSF…

The topic of the conference is Hodge theory, classical algebraic geometry, and the interactions between them. Hodge theory is a powerful tool for the study and classification of algebraic…

The Department of Mathematics is delighted to report that Dr. Darry Andrews has been recognized with a Distinguished Staff Award. Since 2004 Darry Andrews has directed the activities of the…

The Department of Mathematics congratulates David Alden and Elizabeth Miller for winning the ASC Outstanding Staff Award. This award recognizes those staff members "who have demonstrated sustained…

The Department of Mathematics congratulates Yuval Flicker for receiving this award for his project entitled "Studies in Automorphic Forms." The award will allow Professor Flicker to spend a…

Matt Kahle will present at the STEAM FACTORY on April 13, 2013 from 11am to 2pm.  The title of Professor Kahle's presentation is "Seeing 4D."  Seeing 4D is about visualizing shapes in 4…

Congratulations to Rodica Costin, Bart Snapp, and Craig Jackson (Ohio Wesleyan University) for receiving NSF Grant DMS-1252904 to fund the Young Mathematicians Conference for another three…

The Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce that Robin Baidya, who has a 2012 BS in mathematics from OSU, is the sole undergraduate  (as a continuing education student) winner of the…