Dear Friends of the Department,
Welcome to our summer newsletter! We are pleased to update you on our latest department activities and news. We hope this will keep you informed and engaged with the life of the mathematics department.
This issue of the newsletter contains an article on our Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates. Our department organizes two summer research programs for undergraduates each year. The ROMUS virtual program provides undergraduates, especially from underrepresented backgrounds, opportunities to work with our faculty on selected research problems. The long-running Knots and Graphs program is aimed at our honors students interested in research in graph theory.
We also have an article on summer events organized by our highly active outreach group BAMM. These are free annual public events attended by high school and middle school students and by families in Columbus and surrounding areas. We hope that these events increase appreciation for mathematics and inspire a more diverse participation in mathematics in Ohio.
Another story in this newsletter is about the highly-competitive 2022 Sloan Research Fellowship awarded to Assistant Professor Jingyin Huang. Dr. Huang first joined our department in 2018 and will be among 118 Sloan awardees in 2022. He will receive a two-year $75,000 fellowship to support his research in geometric group theory. We are thrilled by his achievement!
There is also a story is about a recent joint article by Prof. Avner Friedman on a mathematical model for treating myocardial infarction (or heart attacks). Prof. Friedman’s article has generated excitement at OSU and highlights the increasingly important role played by mathematics in the medical field.
In addition to these stories, there is an update on the STEAM factory, an interdisciplinary collaboration initiative started in the mathematics department. There are also spotlights on new and selected members of our community, as well as a spotlight on the numerous recent activities by our chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics.
We hope that you will enjoy reading our newsletter. Please let us hear from you, and if you have suggestions for improvement and the kinds of news that is important to you. And as always, we encourage you to consider donating funds to help support our departmental activities.