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The OSU math department at Marion just concluded the latest Marion Math Challenge after a 2-year interruption due to pandemic lockdowns. This decade-old competition for local high school students…

The outreach group in the department, Buckeye Aha! Math Moments (BAMM), is piloting a Recreational Mathematics and Outreach course, Math 2194, in spring 2022. The instructors for…

Bhawesh Mishra has been awarded a Presidential Fellowship by the Ohio State Graduate School.

The Presidential Fellowship is the most prestigious academic recognition awarded by the…


Congratulations to our graduate students on their many achievements during the past academic year! The linked pages below recognize the degrees earned and awards won by…

Postdoc scholar Ranthony Edmonds has been awarded a three-year Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (MPS-Ascend). Dr. Edmonds will investigate applications…

Department of Mathematics alumnus, Matthew Amodio, continues his spectacular performance on the game show "Jeopardy." Matt now ranks 5th in highest winnings in regular-season play in the well-…

Matthew Stenzel has been awarded the Robert A. Barnes Award for Exemplary Teaching 2021. This teaching excellence award is presented annually to one tenured faculty member at Ohio State Newark who…

Benjamin Call has been awarded a Presidential Fellowship by the Ohio State Graduate School.

The Presidential Fellowship recognizes truly outstanding scholarship among doctoral…

Congratulations to Elizabeth Campolongo who received a 2021 Graduate Associate Performance Award (GAPA) from the university's Graduate School.

GAPA is an award for exceptional…