
Diana Devol Bevilacqua wins ASC Outstanding Staff Award
We are delighted to announce that Diana Devol Bevilacqua is one of this year's winners of the Arts and Sciences Outstanding Staff Award.
As a member of the Mathematics Advising group for…

Professor Ivo Herzog, Lima campus, receives Fulbright grant
Congratulations to Professor Ivo Herzog, Lima campus, who received a Fulbright grant.
Ivo is planning to use this grant to spend a semester at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic…

Jacob Miller wins in Denman Undergrad Research Form
Please join me in congratulating Jacob Miller, one of our Math majors who won a first place in annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum on March 26.…

Tyler Friesen, honors math student, receives 2014 Goldwater Scholarship
Congratulations to Tyler Friesen, a major in our Honors program who received a 2014 Goldwater Scholarship. This is a very prestigious scholarship which recognizes undergraduate research.…
Spring 2015 Zassenhaus Lecturer is Daniel Wise
Daniel T. Wise, of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of McGill University, will be the Zassenhaus Lecturer for Spring 2015, April 20-22nd. Daniel specializes in geometric group…
Matt Kahle receives prestigious CAREER grant from NSF
Matt Kahle has received a prestigious CAREER grant from NSF for his proposal entitled "Random spaces and groups.” The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program offers the…

Sergei Chmutov receives OSU's Honors Faculty Service Award
Professor Sergei Chmutov, from the Mansfield branch of The Ohio State University, has been selected as the recipient of the 2013-2014 Honors Faculty Service Award. This award recognizes a…

Marty Golubitsky Chair-elect of Math section of AAAS
Marty Golubitsky has been elected Chair of the Section on Mathematics of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He will serve as Chair-Elect from February, 2014…

Jim Fowler Recieves 2014 Creston Summum Bonum Award
Jim Fowler has been selected to receive the Crestron Summum Bonum Award for Excellence in Teaching for his innovative work with the Calculus One massive open online course (MOOC) running on…